I never know what to say as an introduction, so... HEY and good morning, afternoon, evening, night, whatever time you are reading this. My name is Vidknight I'm a black SFM artist, splatoon fan, who is 18 years old and just in general a nerd. I always been obessed with expressing myself and thinking creatively even back when I was a kid. My favorite games was Modnation, Little big planet, and Roblox for this exact reason when I was younger. I love nature, and animals in general as the idea of different creatures with completly different morals, and behaviors than us is fasinating to me, and also nature is just cool in general, have you seen a photo of a lush green forest recently. I have a hard time talking with others and fear that I sometime say the wrong thing. So if I say something that makes you uncomfortable let me know please!
For a ton of reasons. For one I was so interested in seeing how others express themselves on their sites. From something more simple to seeing incredibly complex designs that took a while. There is also the feeling of learning something new and seeing myself slowly change as I get more deeper in the thing I'm learning. But I feel that my biggest reason is how social media is just at an all time low in my opinion and how absolutely miserable it is for me to browse for longer than 5 minutes. Of course that is not my only reasons but that is my biggest.
That is kind of hard to answer since my likes changes frqeuntly and is never set in stone and can just completly change within a week, but if I have to say right now than it will be something like this.
If you want to chat with me I always be down you can contact me via email at Vidknight@mail.com