Welcome to my personal neocities! I'm glad that you came and I hope that you enjoy what this site has to offer. I was honestly getting bored of the internet and especially social media so I created this site as a way to express myself and see how other people express themselves. I'm still new at this and don't have a clear cut idea of how I want this site to be since I got so many ideas. So expect some future changes. :)
Update Log
Alright another update here I reworked the OCs page on my site now the character pages looks a bit more cleaner, and not all over the place as it was before, also changed the design of Cole a bit, and by that I just gave him different glasses. Next up I want to try incorparating some sort of credit page on my site I already sort of started on this with the credit page for the OCs. (3-19-25)
BIG UPDATE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So today I just finished the animation section of my site so now you can see any animation I created. I'm more new to animating since I didn't really do it much, but now I want to at least try to do some more. On a way smaller note I removed the underlines from the cool sites section of the page, not sure why it took so long, but I did it. (3-8-25)
Another minor update, but I changed the OC page for Diana, and Iris. Wanted to change up the characters up a bit so I did, and now I'm more satisfied with both of them. (2-26-25)
A more minor update in my eyes, but I quickly went around the CSS code for the different pages, and changed the font size, and line height to increase readablity. Changed the update log to go by newest to oldest post, not sure why I had it the other way around at first, but whatever. Lastly added a new player to the player highlight section of the site. (2-19-25)
After a couple days of work I finally finished the page about the design of my TVsona/mascot thing. You can find it in the about me along with a pretty snazzy hover over photo I'm quite proud of. (2-16-25)
A lot of stuff I just completed so let's name them all. First changed the header on the main and OCs page to something different, and more cooler in my opinion. I added two new characters to the OCs page Tentra and Diana. Lasty added a new button to the cool links page check the site out if you get the chance. (2-13-25)
Tweaked the gallery a bit and added some more artwork including some pixel art I did. (2-1-25)
Aparently the bubble links on my site was broken so I just fixed it (1-30-25)
Hey look at that I finally got an update log up and going. It's nothing fancy, but for something hand coded and my first attempt, it's not to shabby. Anyway guess the first update
listed here is creating the update log.(1-29-25)